The ‘Ohana

Ku‘u - Artist

Ku’u is a Native Hawaiian who was born & raised on Moloka’i, and now resides in Kona on Hawai‘i Island. Art has always been an influential part of her life. She has a BFA Degree in Graphic Design since 2012. In 2017 Ku’u discovered a new passion - tattooing. Body art has become Ku’u’s way of not only perpetuating her culture, but also an avenue of artistic freedom that demonstrates her interpretation of cultural aspects with a contemporary approach.

Makanani - Manager

Makanani is a Native Hawaiian who was born & raised on Hawai’i island. Makanani comes from a strong background in management & has played a significant role in our business. Both her & Ku’u work hand in hand to run a smooth, intimate, family owned business which involves not only tattoos but also apparel. Makanani’s leadership roles in previous businesses has made her an important member of the InkedbyKu’u family.